"Young Investigator Awards will be given toattend ISH 2016 World Congress in Glasgow"
The XXXVIth ISH World Congress 2016 will be organized on 18-21April 2016, in Glasgow, UK.
Fifteen Young Investigator Awards will be given to attend themeeting in Glasgow.
Five trainees from each of ISH Division will be selected, namely European-African(EAD), Asia-Pacific (APD) and Interamerican (IAD) Divisions.
The correspondence information of the ISH Secretaries - General are shownbelow.
Each awardee will receive 500.- GBP.
Applicants should be a trainee and below the age of 40 years.
Successful applicants should agree to join ISH, if not a member.
The corresponding authors will be notified about the acceptance ofAbstracts by 15th February 2016.
The abstract presenters who are eligible for trainee grants can applyuntil 26th February 2016.
Applications should be sent to the Secretary-General of theDivision where the applicant is from, with a letter/e-mail and a updated short CV.
The deadline for application to these grants is 26thFebruary 2016.
CorrespondenceInformation of the SH Secretaries - General :
Inter-American Division :
David Gomez Almaguer,M.D.evo Leon
Universidad Autonoma de Nu
Monterrey, Mexico
e-mail : dgomezalmaguer@gmail.com
European - African Division :
Sabri Kemahlı, M.D.
Department of Pediatric Hematology
Yeditepe University Medical School
Kadıköy, İstanbul, Turkey
e-mail : kemahlisabri@gmail.com
Asian - Pacific Division :
Tomoki Naoe,M.D.,Ph.D.
National Hospital Organization
Nagoya Medical Center
Nagoya, Japan
e-mail : tnaoe@nnh.hosp.go.jp