ISH Bylaws


Article 1: Name

Section 1.


Section 2. Registration

Its registered office in the State of Delaware is to be located at 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958, U.S.A. This incorporation shall be nonprofit corporation,organized exclusively for charitable, educational,and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article 2: Objectives

The International Society of Hematology shall be a non-profit organization , structured exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes.
The objectives of the Society shall be: (a) to promote international discussions and diffusion of information and ideas relating to hematology; (b) to provide a forum for such discussion and to encourage international collaboration in investigation of hematological problems; (c) to encourage standardization of hematological methods and nomenclature; (d) to represent the interests of hematology shall include scientific principles, clinical and laboratory aspects of diagnosis and management of blood diseases and any other topics relating to the biology and pathology of blood forming tissues.
As part of its functions the Society shall, at intervals, organize scientific, educational and business meetings to be called International Congresses of Hematology. These will be held in an agreed rotation in the three Divisions (see Article 3). The actual place will be determined by the Board of Councillors or the Council.

Article 3: Divisions of the Society

The Society shall consist of three divisions. In alphabetical order, these are (1) Asian-Pacific, (2) European-African, and (3) Inter-American. Each division shall be administered by the Divisional Board. Members of the Divisional Boards shall form the Council of the Society (to be known as the Council or Board of Councillors).

Article 4: Membership

Membership of Society shall be as (a) Member, (b) Honorary Member , and (c) Emeritus Member.
Membership to the International Society of Hematology, or any of its divisions or committees, shall not be denied or abridged because of sex,color,creed, race, religion,disability, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or age,or for any other reason unrelated to character or competence.

Section 1. Member

Any person of good professional standing if medically or scientifically qualified or who is in other ways eminent in the field of hematology in any of its aspects shall be eligible. Ordinarily, candidates will have manifested a continuous interest in any field of hematology is eligible for membership. Trainees in any field of hematology and/or oncology with lesser experience may be considered for membership, after the degree has been awarded.

Section 2. Honorary Member

Any member of the Society who has distinguished himself or herself sufficiently by research or personal efforts in the cause of hematology or related fields of scientific medicine to warrant their nomination by one of the Divisional Boards. This nomination also must be ratified by the Council, whereas other grades of membership may be agreed by a Divisional Board alone. Honorary members have the privilege of attending meetings of the Society without payment of registration fees and membership dues, shall not hold office and shall not have the right to vote.

Section 3. Emeritus Member

Any member upon reaching the age of seventy and making a request to the Divisional Secretary-General, may be designated as Emeritus Member. Emeritus Member has the privileges of attending meetings of the Society without payment of registration fees and annual membership dues, shall not hold office and shall not have the right to vote.

Section 7. Attending Meetings

Members will belong to one division only , but are privileged to attend meeting of any division of the Society as a Member. Non-members may register for attendance at a Congress. They may present paper in a scientific sessions . Registration fees for members shall be considerably lower than for non-members. Certified trainees in hematology may also be eligible for the reduced registration fees to attend the meetings.

Article 5: Suspension of Members

A member may be removed from the Membership Roster of the Society for :

  1. Non-Payment of dues to the Society (see Article 7)
  2. Other reasons presented in writing to a Secretary-General by at least two members. The Divisional Board will study the nature of the complaint. Before the matter is presented at the regular business meeting of the Society, the Member must be given an opportunity to defend himself ior herself in person or in writing before the Divisional Board. At least three-fourths of the members attending a regular business meeting must approve by secret ballot the action of the Divisional Board for the expulsion to become effective.

Article 6: Resignations

Resignations from the Society shall be submitted in writing to a Divisional Secretary-General, who shall cause the same to be presented to a Divisional Board at the next meeting, and the resignation shall not become effective until acted upon by the Divisional Board.


Article 7: Dues

Section 1.

Membership dues will be payable to the Secretary-General of the Division to which the Member belongs (see Article 3). The dues for members have to be paid and collected on regular basis. The method, frequency and currency of payment shall be decided and approved by the Council.

Section 2.
Members in arrears for dues for two years shall be notified thereof by the Divisional Secretary-General by means of a "return receipt" registered letter. Members in arrears for maximum four years may be dropped from the membership roster for non-payment of dues at the discretion of the Divisional Council. Members may be re-instated upon payment of all arrears and current dues.

Section 3.
Registration fees will be charged to members attending scientific meetings. The amount and arrangements for collection will be determined by the Congress Committee.


Article 8: Business Affairs

Section 1.

The business affairs of the Society shall be administered by the Council consisting of a Chair of Council, President (who will be the President of the current Congress), President-elect, immediate Past-President, Vice-President, the three Divisional Secretaries- General, the Congress Secretary and Treasurer, and the Councillors from each of the Divisional Boards. Chairs of Special Committees may attend meetings of the Council ex-officio without voting rights.
The Chair of Council shall hold office for 4 years and will not be eligible for re-election to the same office. The President, Congress Secretary and Congress Treasurer shall serve for a two year period, terminating at the conclusion of the Congress. The Vice-President and Councillors will hold office only so long as they hold corresponding office in their respective Divisions. The Secretaries-General shall hold office as long as they hold the corresponding office in their respective Divisions. Normally this will be for one term of two years, but they will be eligible for relection. No members may hold more than one office simultaneously.

Section 2.

The office of the Secretary-General in the Division from which the Chairman has been elected shall constitute the principal business office of the Society.

Section 3. Election of Chairman

The Chairman shall be elected by the Council from amongst its members by secret ballot at a regular Council meeting. The post shall be held in equal rotation between the Divisions.
Section 4. Election of President and President-elect
The President shall be nominated by the Divisional Board where the next Congress will be held on the proposal of the National Society. This nomination shall be ratified by the Council. A similar procedure shall be adopted for nomination of President-Elect. The Congress Committee shall be organized in the host country by the President. The Congress Secretary and Treasurer will serve on the Council as indicated in Section 1 above. The National Councilor(s) shall be ex officio members of the Congress Committee.


Article 9: Special Committees

Section 1. Congress Committee

The President shall appoint a Congress Committee and Subcommittees which may be deemed appropriate for the organization of the scientific program, commercial exhibition, social arrangements and other congress activities. Membership of the Congress Committee and sub-committees is at the discretion of the President in accordance with local custom of the host country but the Committee shall include National Councilors(s) who shall represent the Society. An education program shall be arranged within the framework of each Congress. This shall be coordinated by the Divisional and Standing Committees on Science and Education who, for this purpose, will establish an ad hoc sub-committee in collaboration with the Congress Committee.

Section 2.

A Committee for Awards, consisting of the President, the Chairman of Council and the Secretaries-General shall allocate any awards that are made at Congress meeting in the name of the Society.

Section 3. Standing Committee

The Standing Committee shall be appointed to oversee all functions for which the Society assumes administrative responsibility, including relationship with outside bodies. Its membership shall consist of the Chairman of Council, President, Past President, President-elect, Vice-president, Secretary-General of each Division, Chairman of each special committee and an observer from the International Council for Standardization in Hematology.(ICSH). The Chair of Council shall serve as Chair of the Standing Committee and will report at all regular meetings of the Council.

Section 4. Other Committees

The following committees are established: a) Nomenclature Committee, and b) Science and Education. The members of these and any other Committees which may be established shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendations of the Standing Committee. The Chairman of a Committee shall be appointed by the Council. The Chairman of Council shall be ex-officio member of the Committee. The Chairman of each Committee shall attend the Council ex-officio and shall present reports.Each Committee Chair shall serve for four years and eligible for re-election.

Article 10: Vacancies

Section 1.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairman, the unexpired portion of the term of office shall be filled by an acting Chairman to be nominated by the relevant Divisional board and approved by the Standing Committee as an interim measure until a new election takes place at the next regular Council meeting. In the event of a vacancy for President-elect a nomination shall be made by the Congress Committee and approved by the Standing Committee. Vacancies occurring in the office of Vice-President and Secretary-General shall be filled for the unexpired term of office by the appropriate Divisional Board of Councillors. If a vacancy should occur in the offices of Secretary of Treasurer of Congress, the vacancy shall be filled by an appointee of the President.

Article 11: Duties of Officers and Special Committees

Section 1.

The President shall preside over all general assemblies of the Society (see Article 12). The Chair of Council shall preside at all meetings of the Council and shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. The Chair of Council will be an ex-officio member of all Committees , shall serve as Chair of the Standing Committee and shall take the chair ad hoc at any meetings of all other committees in the absence of the appointed Chair. In the absence of the President, the Chair of Council will preside at any business meeting and general assembly.

Section 2.

The President shall appoint the members of all special Congress Committees. The Chair of Council shall appoint any other special committee ordered by the Society and shall be empowered to appoint such others as he may consider necessary and for which he has secured the approval of a simple majority of the members of the Council.

Section 3. The Secretary-General

The Secretary-General shall keep a correct and permanent record of the meetings and the transactions of the Society. They shall conduct the correspondence and perform such other duties as pertain to the office of the Secretary. The spheres of action of the respective Secretary-Generals shall be determined by the Council. The Secretary-General of the Division from which the Chairman has been appointed will be ex-officio Secretary of the Council.
The Secretary-General, who shall also be the Treasurer of the Society will receive and be the custodians of the funds of the Society. At each regular meeting for the Chair of Council will propose a budget for the office for approval by the Council to be paid equally by the three Divisions if no other sources of funds are available. The transportation expenses of the Secretary-General of a Congress shall be paid by the respective Divisions if no other sources of funds are available.

Section 4. Responsibilities of the President, Secretary and Treasurer after the Congress

The Secretary and Treasurer of the Congress shall be responsible for the transaction of business in preparation for and conduct of the Congress.
The Congress Treasurer shall receive and be the custodian of the registration fees and of such other funds as will be collected for the conduct of the Congress. In order facilitate organization of the appropriate local committees, the Treasurer may be advanced, upon request and approval by the Chairman of Council, an amount of money to be agreed in advance by the Divisional Board from the Society funds of the Division in which the Congress will be held, such funds to be repaid after the Congress, out of fees and income.
Within 180 days following the close of the meeting the Congress Treasurer shall submit the audited financial accounts in income and expenditure to the Secretary-General of the Division. This account shall include a sum of money which shall be paid to the Division of the Society. The amount of this payment shall be predetermined by agreement between the Congress Committee and the Divisional Council. It may be waived only under special circumstances.
Within 180 days following the close of the meeting the Congress Secretary shall present the final report for the Congress. The report will be submitted to the Council and then presented to the General Assembly of the Society at their next regular meeting. The terms of office of the President, Congress Secretary and of the Treasurer of the Congress will be terminated after they have completed all the business connected with the preceding scientific meeting, and the report has been approved by the Council.

Section 5. Executive and Administrative Bodies of the Society

The executive and administrative body of the Society during the interval between Congresses shall consist of the Chair of Council, Vice-President, President, and the three Secretaries-General. The Secretary-General of the Division from which the Chairman has been appointed shall be named as Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall be empowered to enter into contracts and authorize such expenditure as may be necessary to carry on the affairs and the business of the Society. The Executive Secretary shall supervise the affairs of the Society, pass on all questions of policy to the Council and delegate to the Congress committee any authority necessary for the organization and management of a Congress.
Actions of the Executive Secretary shall always be covered by the Bylaws of the Society. The accounts of the Chair-of-Council, Executive Secretary and Secretaries-General shall be audited on regular basis , at least every two years. The Executive Secretary shall prepare a report to be made by the President to the Business meeting for the society on its activities during the interval between the Congresses. The Council shall meet on other occasions on call of the Chairman.

Section 6.

For countries without National Societies, the Chairman may from time to time invite an observer from that country to attend meetings of the Council. When no Councillor or designated alternative is able to attend from any country, the Chairman may appoint a temporary observer for that country from those present at the Congress. Such observers will not have voting powers.

Section 7. Congress Committees

The Congress Committee shall transact all business connected with the preparation, organization and conduct of the Congresses of the Society. Transactions always shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. It shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer of the Congress at the end of the Congress. The President or (if different) the Chair of the Congress Committee shall on his behalf prepare a report to be presented at the meeting of the Council at the time of the Congress to complete the business of the Congress and to certify the accounts of the Treasurer of the Congress (see Article 2, section 4).
Section 8.
Officers and members of all special committees shall transfer promptly to their successors all funds, books, manuscripts, vouchers and other propertties of the Society on termination of their official duties.


Article 12: Meeting of the Members

The Society shall hold regular scientific and educational meetings, to be called International Congrongresses , at intervals and places determined by the Council, notice of which shall be mailed to every member at least six months prior to such meeting. At each Congress there shall be a business meeting of members of the Society to be called a General Assembly of Members. Special extraordinary meetings may be called by the Chairman of Council .At least thirty days notice of a meeting shall be given to members. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business of the Society at regular and special meetings.

Article 13: Meetings of the Council

The Council of the Society will meet to deal with business affairs of the Society at each International Congress. Twenty-five members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.


Article 14: Organization of Divisions

Section 1.

Each Division will have one Secretary-General. The Vice-President can only be elected from the Division if the Chair of Council has been appointed from the same Division. The Vice-President shall hold ffice for four years and shall not be eligible for re-election. The Secretary-General shall be elected for two terms but is eligible for re-election.

Section 2.

The Divisional Board shall be the executive and administrative council ffice Division and shall consist of members from countries represented in the Division. There shall be one Councillor to represent each country. The Councillors shall be nominated by National Societies of Hematology which have been approved by the Divisional Board of the Society. They shall not be eligible for immediate re-election after three consecutive terms. The nominations shall be subject to approval by the Vice-President and the divisional Secretary-General.
One-third of the members of the Divisional Board shall constitute a quorum ffice transaction of business. If there is no National Society, the members of the International Society resident in that country may nominate to the Council one representative to act as a non-voting member. In those countries where more than one society exists, Councillors shall be nominated by postal ballot of all members within that country as circulated from the ffice of the Secretary-General.

Section 3.

The three divisions may organize international meetings and other activities provided that they conform to the rules and regulations of the Society.

Article 15: Elections

Section 1.

Each Divisional Board shall at a business meeting held preferably before the meeting of Council at each Congress, nominate one Vice-President and a Secretary-General, and shall fill such other vacancies as may have occurred in the committees. These nominations shall then be presented to the Council for ratification. Election shall be made by a simple majority of votes cast by Members present at the business of the Society.

Section 2.

The Vice-Presidents and all newly elected officers shall be inducted into ffice at the conclusion of the meeting.


Article 16: Standing Rules for Society and Divisional Meetings

Section 1.

At all business meetings the Chairman shall first call the members assembled to order for the purpose of transaction such business and appointing such committees as are required.

Section 2.

Non-members and members of the Society in arrears for subscription fees may participate in the Congress scientific session but will not be eligible for registration at the reduced rate that is charged to Members in good standing; they will be subject to all the rules and regulations relating to the Congress.

Section 3.

Order of Business for General Assemblies, Meetings of Councillors and other business sessions:

  1. Call to order
  2. The minutes of the previous meeting
  3. Referred unfinished business
  4. Report of the Secretaries-General
  5. Report of Committees
  6. Election of Members
  7. New Business
  8. Nominations from Divisional Boards
  9. Election of Officers
  10. Induction of Officers
  11. Any other business

Article 17: Proceedings

All proceedingsof the meetings of this society and questions or order not provided for by these Bylaws shall be governed by the rules and customs prevailing in the country of meeting.

Article 18: Historian

There may be from time to time an official Historian of the Society who shall be appointed by the Council.

Article 19: Amendments

Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws may be submitted in writing by the members, at least three months prior to a regular General Assembly meeting. Three quarters of votes cast at the Assembly meeting shall be required to amend. Votes by mail must be received not later than three weeks preceding the date set for the meeting, in order to be valid.

Reference Web-site :

ISH Bylaws with Amendments is approved and ratified by the ISH Board of Councillors and ISH General Assembly on April 25th 2012 during the ISH 34th World Congress held in Cancun, Mexico.

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